Simulation In Apparel Manufacturing


Yin Zou

Quick response and flexibility are necessary for ensuring the competitiveness of an apparel enterprise in the global
market. Automation and advance manufacturing techniques have been proposed in literature to solve these problems.
Simulation is a good design aid for the implementation of new systems and innovations in existing manufacturing lines.
The sewing floor activity is an important aspect of implementing CIM (computer-integrated manufacturing) in the
enterprise. Analysis of the sewing floor's role in the apparel enterprise is essential.

The primary objective of this research work is to develop a series of SIMAN simulation programs for existing and
proposed manufacturing systems in an apparel manufacturing enterprise--Dowling Textiles (McDonough, Georgia).
Simulation models for five existing bundle systems and four existing and proposed modular manufacturing systems are
developed. A series of animation layouts of the simulation programs has been created to illustrate the working of the
modules. Methods related to implementing the SIMAN models in the plant have been proposed. Comparison of bundle
system and modular system and cost-benefit analysis of the two systems have been performed based on the simulation.

Garment A manufacturing modular system has been chosen and analyzed using IDEF function and information
modeling methodologies. A database management system has been developed based on the IDEF1X information mode
to find out the compatibility of IDEF methodology with SIMAN programs. A table of translation between SIMAN
statements and IFEM dynamics syntax is also resented.

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